Radio interviews with Caught Between Two Worlds Author Marion Weatherburn
Marion’s on AlexFM – Goolwa Radio
Podcasts of Marion’s monthly spot on AlexFm Goolwa Radio.
Use the player to the right to listen!
Marion on AlexFm - November
Marion on AlexFM - October
Marion’s chat with Tony Mac on 6PR Perth
On September 2nd Marion was interviewed on 6PR Perth by Tony Mac about Caught Between Two Worlds and what it’s really like to be a Psychic Medium.
Use the player to the right to listen!
Marion on 6PR with Tony Mac

Marion on Evenings with Peter Goers – ABC Radio Adelaide
On Tuesday August 22nd Marion was interviewed on ABC Radio Adelaide by Peter Goers about ‘Geraldton In War Time’, one of the more fascinating accounts in Marion’s book Caught Between Two Worlds.
Use the player to the right to listen!

Marion on Evenings with Peter Goers