These are some questions that are commonly asked at a face to face Psychic Reading:
How many Psychic Readings have you given?
4312+ and I’ve stopped counting. This is over a 35+ year period.
Initially, I always seemed to be the person that everyone came to when they had a problem. I always seemed to know just what to say and was able to help people even when they couldn’t put words together themselves. I was often able to give names and information/details that they’d never told me about. That’s pretty much how it started when I was in high school and progressed from there. This is all detailed in my book “Caught Between Two Worlds”.
How do I do a Psychic Reading?
For me, personally, talking to my Team is just like talking to you!
I realised many years ago that my mind talks to me in “my voice” and my Guides talk to me in “their voice ~ a male’s voice, dependent upon who is talking”. For me, this is how I tell the difference between imagination and Spiritual connection.
They can hear my thoughts. They can also hear my words. I often discuss my problems with them. I usually do this whilst walking. I can walk miles and miles every day and reach my destination without realising I’ve even been walking. Such is the power I get immersed in. I start walking and talking. If you see me out walking and talking to myself, don’t laugh at me, simply wave! As I walk I soon find myself almost trance like talking to my Team about my problems. They talk back through me. Yes! Out loud! They offer me guidance, clarity and information to help solve my problems and sometimes they even solve them for me without me realising! I’ll be walking along and suddenly I will get what feels like “being struck by a bolt of lightning”. Their words are always perfect and I know to trust them.
Their words have guided me personally for many years. Their words have also helped me to help thousands of people over 35 years to see clearly and to help put their feet firmly on their own Spiritual paths.
So, when you come to me for a Reading, my Team can hear your words and thoughts but because you can’t hear them and I can…they give me the guidance, direction, clarification, information, confirmation and interpretation to help you!
The only difference between us and those passed before us is that we still have a body! We are all energy, whether alive in this world or the next.
Your Guides in Spirit can hear your thoughts. They can hear you “talking” and/or “praying to them. You beg for them to answer and guide you, yet you are often not quiet enough to listen. Or you think it’s your imagination. That’s your 10% mind’s capacity trying to understand and rationalise something that’s actually using 30% of your brain.
That’s right! As humans we use 10% of our brain.
When we work at a Spiritual level or from our “Soul” we use the equivalent of 30% of the human mind/brain.
As a Psychic I feel that I access up to 50% of the Spiritual information available to us from the Universal Library.
The Soul knows way more than the mind.
I prepare myself before you even arrive. I’ve already “connected” with my Team upstairs above the clouds. They are ready for you.
When you walk in and sit down with me, one of the first things I do after bringing refreshments to the table is ask you about your Spiritual Journey. I ask you things like “Do you believe in Souls? Lessons? Guides? Intuition? Premonition? Have you ever seen a ghost?” That type of thing.
I do this for a very good reason. You see, it “changes” the energy that you walked in with to a Spiritual higher vibrational energy! It’s like I plug into your Soul and you plug your Soul into the universe. This is how your Guides can hear you!
When I get really “strong” connection, I say “Expect the Unexpected”. Out of all the 4312+ Readings I’ve done of various types, every single Reading is different and every single Reading is as new to me as it is with you! If 9/10 people come for a Reading, 9/10 will cry! I will cry right along with you because I feel the emotion right there with you. Your Reading is as new to me as it is to you! Remember that! This “stuff” comes through me, my mind doesn’t touch it in any way shape or form, so often I don’t even know what’s been said until it’s out!
Should a “relative” come through to make contact with you, it normally brings with it the most amazing feeling of love! A feeling like nothing can go wrong with the world! It’s amazing. That’s when I know and you know too that a strong connection has been made. It’s a feeling you will feel and you will know to trust it!
Connections like these will always bring names.
I work on a deep Soul level offering guidance, information, clarification, direction and guidance from Spirit. It is this life that counts, right here, right now.
I find that 6/10 names that come through to me are from people that are still alive in your life. They are usually people with whom you have unfinished conflict or someone that can help you get through a conflict you are having.
In my book, “Caught Between Two Worlds”, I write about this very poignant fact in a story about Sophie and Peter! Sometimes, it is those that are still alive that can help us learn our lessons in order for us to grow.
If I get nothing, I will certainly tell you and I will certainly not take any money for my time. I do not tell you what you want to hear! I don’t even know what you want to hear! But I WILL tell you what I get! I never charged for 22 years and I still struggle to accept money. These days it is more about my time. My Gift is priceless and it is impossible to put a price on that.
However, working as a New Age / Spiritual Counsellor, I know I am still offering what can potentially be an extraordinary service to you in this life and as such, services should be charged for. You too, are more likely to learn a lesson delivered to you if you pay for it and more likely to ignore it if you don’t.
The names that come through a merely a connection that you are in the right place at the right time and should really listen to the messages that are coming through for you. They are real. Just like the names belong to significant people for you and are real also.
I do not tell people what they want to hear. I have no idea what you want to hear anyway. I will tell you though what I get.
If a message is particularly tough, I have learnt through my 4312+ Readings how to deliver these types of messages.
If I get “nothing” on the day that you have come for a Reading, I get nothing. There’s not a thing I can do about it. On the other hand, your one hour session may turn into a three hour session because there’s so much information coming through for you.
Can you contact my loved ones for me?
In short ~ Yes if they come through. No ~ if they don’t! This is not up to me. It’s up to them.
Many years ago, people believed in Religion, God, Heaven and Hell. They would go to confession on a Saturday and Church on a Sunday. They also believed that when they died, they would be reunited with their families and loved ones. They did not know they could come through, so they don’t.
Years ago, people often dabbled with the paranormal through séances and the like! Quite often people really did not know what they were doing and this caused all sorts of problems. Many people ended up with unwelcome spirits in their homes. Now, remember this…Spirits are just us dead. People who are trouble makers whilst they are alive, remain trouble makers once they’ve died too! Just because they’re dead, doesn’t mean they wake up Holy!
So, people who used to find themselves with a troublesome bad spirit in their house, often had to call a priest to do an exorcism. This is why today, a lot of the older generation still don’t come through in Readings because they don’t want to be exorcised! Think about it!
However, every now and again, someone upstairs surprises themselves and breaks through the “veil” between their world and ours! It comes as a surprise to the both of us. I am always mindful of this happening and work through this should it occur. If one of your relatives does want to come through and give you a message, they will. It is usually one a couple of words, or I am shown a picture, or a short movie of something they want you to know about to prove they are there!
A lady once came to see me for a Reading. As soon as she walked in the door and sat at the table, I immediately reached for her hand, in particular her thumb! I had her “Dad” with me immediately. He was just so proud of her and told me his name was “George” and that this was his daughter and she was wearing his wedding ring on the thumb on her hand that I was holding. I gave her this message and she immediately burst into tears! So, did I. Such was the connection.
Very shortly thereafter, we were joined by his two sisters Ruby and Pearl. My client knew them as Auntie Ruby and Auntie Pearl and acknowledged their presence at our Reading. “George” went onto say this to me to relay to his daughter “Tell her, that whilst Ruby and Pearl, could be considered precious “gems”, my daughter is my special “Gem”.
When I relayed the message, my client burst into tears again stammering that they were the exact last words her Dad had said to her before he passed away. “He called me his “Gem” she said.
“Marion, please take a look outside at my car in the driveway and look at the registration plate.”
What did it say do you think?
It said “GEM” of course!
If your relatives want to come through they will.
If they don’t, they won’t.
It’s that simple.
It’s the power of LOVE that brings them through.
There is no doorbell for me to summon anyone. This is not how it works and tread carefully with any Psychic who says it does!
My recommendation to those of you that are still living is to talk to your loved ones while they are still alive about messages and signs that can be shared as a proof of connection once they have left their physical existences. Sometimes, these will be remembered to be used as a connection and sometimes something way more substantial will come through.
Either way, a psychic Reading and / or a Psychic Medium Reading is an extremely rewarding experience for all concerned.
What is the difference between a Guide and an Angel?
An Angel is a Celestial being. Angels can be anywhere at anytime helping those in need. Angels are our emergency paramedics. They have access to all the knowledge and secrets of the universe. They have access to and understand all the lessons we are too learn. They cannot and do not learn our lessons for us but they can support us by bringing the appropriate Guides to us to help us through tough situations.
Angels are Light Beings and always bring and come in love. Everyone has their own Angel. There’s more than enough to go around. Guides that have evolved to their highest level become Angels. Therefore, if we are all going to be Guides one day then it’s also very possible that we will all become Angels eventually! Now that IS an exciting thought I think don’t you?
Could you imagine if the answer was in fact “no” that you didn’t have an Angel? No of course you can’t imagine that! It’s not true for starters. Archangels are the “Go To Angel”. Angels offer specialised help. Please ask the Angels in Training for help. They ARE there for you!
Guides are just people like us who have already died. Once we die, we too will be Guides. There is no mystery to this stuff. I know this much to be true.
However, you cannot tell me what to have for lunch. You can only recommend a restaurant with a menu of choices. This is all I can do too. Is give you choices in your Reading with the help of your Guides and my Team.
It is in their best interest to guide and teach us as it helps their Soul evolve.
It is in our best interest to listen to our Guides as it helps our Soul evolve.
We have Family Guides and we have Soul Guides that stay with us throughout our lives.
Young children that die at a very young age also become our Family Guides.
Angels bring to us very particular Guides to help us through specific times in our lives because they too lived the same or similar experience in order to learn the same or similar lessons.
Again, they are not there to take the lessons away from us, it is up to us to learn them.
But, think about this for a minute. If you rented out a room in your house to a Counsellor and that person shared all aspects of your house with you including breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am positive that you would at some point “Pick their brain” and take advantage of the fact that they are a person that can help you through your issues.
We all have Guides and Angels to help us. Guides have already lived all their lifetimes and it’s this accumulated collection of experience and wisdom they bring to you to help you.
Our Guides are the same, we can talk to them at any time.
Just like people who walk past our house on the footpath. They cannot just walk inside, they have to either knock or be invited in. Guides are the same. They will not intrude on your private space. You must invite them into help you. They will stand and wait patiently until they are summoned. You must be ready to hear what they have to say! Sometimes it’s you that has to learn a very specific lesson not the person you are trying to blame or having conflict with.
There are many different ways to talk to our Guides. This is something I can teach you during a Reading.
I talk to my Team all the time, every day and yes sometimes even I don’t listen to their guidance as I’m still a human wanting to experience whatever it is I am going through. My Guides do offer me short cuts and sometimes I regret not listening to them! Trust me!
How can I see/hear my Guides?
We all have Guides. Like I said earlier, it is in their best interest to help us grow Spiritually. However, they do need to be invited into our lives in order to do so. This takes faith. Meditation, walking, painting or just sitting quietly with music and candles invokes the perfect environment.
The only difference between us and our Guides is that we still have a physical body. They no longer do.
And as a consequence, they cannot just manifest in front of you when you want them to. They can however influence a pendulum with their energy, or take over your pen through automatic writing.
They can also influence your decisions by showing you signs. For instance, if you have recently been considering going to a doctor for instance but not sure which one, they can guide you.
On the way to the Doctor’s, let’s say you are driving down the road and turn down a street by mistake. You look up at the street sign and see that it says “Roberts Road”. You turn around and head back in the correct direction only to be cut off by a car that has the personalised number plate “Robbie”. On the way to the doctors you call into the supermarket to get some milk and you hear a lady chatting to her friend about her husband “Rob”. That’s three “Rob’s” all in quick succession. These are all signs so that when your Doctor refers you to a Specialist for your condition that you’ve been putting off getting checked and the Specialist’s name is “Dr Robertson”, you know that the universe has indeed guided you to see the Doctor that day and this Dr Robertson is the right doctor for you and he will help you and you will be ok.
You can ask a question before you go to sleep at night and ask your Guides to show you direction in your dreams. Always keep a notebook and a pen next to your bed and as soon as you wake up in the morning, before your feet even hit the floor, write down everything you remember about your dreams.
In fact, I think it’s a good idea to keep a notebook with you all the time anyway. That way you can keep track of thoughts and work out whether they are indeed your Guides talking to you through your intuition and higher self or if it’s your imagination.
Set yourself up ready to listen. You must be still. You may like to meditate first, nice music, candles. Start by inviting and welcoming your Guides in to help you. You may like to talk to them out loud. Yes, you will feel weird at first, but just remember the theory that at night when it gets dark, you will trust the light switch on the wall to provide light to you but you might not actually understand how that works. You just trust it. Talking to your Guides is the same.
The next part is the hardest. It’s the waiting! What will they sound like? How will they contact you? How will you know if they’re real or whether it’s just your imagination. Trust in the process. Trust in them. They’ve done it before, you haven’t!
Put out to your Guides what it is that you want their help with. Ask your questions, then wait for any “impression” you might get either visually or audibly. You may like to write your question on a notebook and ask them to write the answer automatically through you.
You may like to use a pendulum. Be sure to use it properly. Read my instructions. I’m about to make a You Tube video as to how to use a pendulum.
Watch your dreams and any thoughts that feel different to your normal thoughts. If you have asked them to influence your thinking, they will. They have no reason not to.
After your session, be sure to thank them for their guidance.
Ask yourself “Why do I want a Psychic Reading and what is my priority?”
This is a really important question.
Maybe you are just curious whether Psychics can really do what they say we do.
Maybe you are just starting out on your Spiritual journey and this is raising many questions for you. As humans we go to school to learn about Maths, History, Georgraphy and Science. That is the Teacher’s job. It is my job as a Spiritual Teacher to help you on your Spiritual path.
I personally can offer you guidance, information, clarification, confirmation and direction on a Spiritual level.
When you ring me for an appointment, I will ask you to bring your questions and any photos you would like me to Read for you.
Why? I explain it like this.
Let’s say you are driving down the road and you see a supermarket. You think to yourself “Oh, I need some milk”. So you stop the car, run in and come out with chips and chocolate.
But no milk.
If however, you went into the shop with a list that said “milk” on it, you would come out with the milk and the chips and chocolate.
I tell people that you get to spend up to 90 minutes with me, make it count.
You know your own priorities in your life.
If you leave it up to me to walk the supermarket aisles of your Soul, you might just end up with washing powder, coffee, toilet paper and chips and chocolate but no milk.
So, work out your priority and bring it along to your Reading.
Can you see my future? Career ? Relationships ? Finances? Family ? etc?
The short answer is “Yes” I can.
How do I do that?
Well, when I do a Reading for someone, the only way I can really explain it is that I watch your life as a TV Series. I tune into your “Channel”.
You all know TV Series like “Neighbours” , “Farmer Wants a Wife” or “Orange is the New Black” right? Many of these series are now in their umpteenth season!
All, I do is fast forward to the appropriate “season” in your life and let you know what’s going on for you at the point.
I have NO idea how I can do that but I do and the accuracy is simply amazing. I still to this day get emails from people that I Read for years ago confirming things I said to them, like this example.
Matt came to me for a psychic Reading 3 years ago! Matt was 25 years old and desperately in love with his current partner. Matt wanted to know if they would marry and have children. I asked Matt, if he wanted me to tell him what he wanted to hear or what I got? He said he wanted to know what I got.
I “fast forwarded” through Matt’s “TV Series” about his life and I saw that Matt and his girlfriend would split up six weeks before he turned 27 and that 3 days after his 27th birthday would fall head over heels in love with a girl with the most beautiful eyes and Soul. When he met her she would be pregnant to her ex partner that she had just separated from.
Matt scoffed at this information as he knew he would propose to the partner that he was with at the time of the Reading and they had already discussed having children straight after the wedding.
BUT the universe had other ideas!
In May this year (2017), my partner and I had just sat down to dinner one Sunday night when the phone rang!
I answered it and it was Matt. His words were rushing out!
“Marion” he said “I need to let you know that I thought the Reading you gave me nearly 2 years ago was absolute rubbish, absolute rubbish! I totally didn’t believe anything you had to say”.
I was gobsmacked to say the least and when I started to talk, Matt interrupted me.
“But Marion, you were absolutely spot on. Accurate. I’m ringing to tell you how perfect your Reading has turned out to be. You were right, right up to the day. I never believed you when you told me that my partner at the time and I would split up but we did exactly 6 weeks before my 27th birthday. And what’s more, exactly 3 days after my 27th birthday, I met my new girlfriend and she was exactly as you described. I can’t thank you enough. I think it’s important for you to know this information. It’s important for you to hear that despite you giving information about stuff that will happen in someone’s future, it comes true.”
I was ever so grateful to Matt. His phone call had come at the most perfect of times. I had been experiencing incredible self-doubt. Yes, I am my own biggest skeptic and despite getting numerous messages of confirmation, I still doubt what I do. I mean, how can I possibly know such accurate stuff about strangers? I don’t know but I do. The information I provide at the time is usually confirmed at the time of the Reading or within time.
Such was the truth of Matt’s situation.
Matt and his girlfriend came to see me at the Adelaide Psychic Expo. I told them I would feel honoured if they would have a photo taken with me and if they would give their permission to be included in my next book, which they did.
When you look at the photos, all you can see is smiles and a very tangible love between the two of them.
How can I be a more Spiritual person? OK, it’s time to start window shopping
I believe we all “wake up” Spiritually when the time is right.
As humans we all have jobs to do so that the money comes out of the ATM when we need it.
As Souls we also have jobs to do and at some point in our lifetime, this too becomes evident.
Becoming Spiritually aware means you are ready to make more of your Gift of Life. This is not a journey to religion. This is a journey to the real YOU! Something, somewhere, usually a significant life event has prompted you to see what else there is to life. You KNOW there’s something more and your search begins. Start to watch for “signs” as you might call them to direct you to your path.
You will start “window shopping” for the answers to your questions. Your “Search” will take you in all directions. Your Soul will have started knocking ever so quietly at first but as time goes past, it gets louder and you can no longer ignore it.
You will find yourself joining groups. Meditation or yoga. Perhaps you will feel compelled to learn Reiki or Kinesiology. You will find yourself walking out of bookshops with your arms full of self-help books. You will find yourself Googling terms like “Karma, Soul Mates, Twin Flames, Energy, Coincidences and Serendipity”. You will find yourself lighting candles and listening to calming music when you do housework rather than your usual rock and roll. Loud noise will frustrate you as will people who will not help themselves.
You are changing.
Your Soul has finally got your attention.
Why aren’t I happy? I have everything!
I hear this all the time as a Psychic Reader.
It is my understanding that we go to school to be taught by teachers in subjects like Maths, Writing and Reading.
I believe that you come to someone like me to learn lessons on a Spiritual level.
As I’ve said many times before “Souls are Simple. We just want to love and be loved. It as Humans that we complicate our lives”.
It’s our Ego. Our Human Self that isn’t happy. We’ve got our own house filled with new furniture. We have a new SUV motor vehicle. A caravan and yearly overseas trips. We aren’t happy with our jobs or our bosses. We feel like we strive and strive and strive to pay bills and achieve unachievable goals that appear to have been set by society. Unspoken high standards.
When you are not happy with your life, you need to come back into your Soul.
By practicing mindfulness and gratitude for the people we have in our lives. For the fact that we have a job so we can pay our bills and go shopping and take yearly holidays. For the love in our lives.
So, when you are feeling frustrated by your Human life, come back into your Soul because that is where love lives!
When will I meet a Man that will love “ME?”
This is one of the most commonly asked questions ~ Truth is ~ He is probably praying to meet you but you are in the wrong head space! 
It’s interesting isn’t it that the majority of people that come for a Psychic Reading are female!
All with the same question!
“When will I meet a Man that will love “ME?”
One of the hard things about what I do is giving people the answers to these questions.
I once had a friend that every time she saw me she would ask me this question.
I “knew” that she would never get married and never have children.
But could I tell her that? No, I couldn’t. What I did instead was recommend places she could go to meet people, groups she could join to keep busy and also socialise. That’s what I did do.
I had another friend where I saw that the man who said he loved her, was just using her as a meal ticket. He’d brought nothing to the relationship at all except his ability to “see” an opportunity for him to “land on his feet” as my friend was very well set up financially.
Unfortunately I told her this and as a consequence lost a very good friend. I sincerely hope that their relationship does work out. I would love to be proved wrong. This was not about me at all. This was about me having a Gift that I’ve been able to use for hundreds of people and if I could give hundreds of people proof then why couldn’t I help my own best friend. Whilst she acknowledges my gift, she did not want to believe when I cautioned her about the relationship. I didn’t want them to break up, I just wanted to caution her. It was interesting that during a discussion she actually admitted that they had already been having difficulties despite their quick union.
We all have a choice and she made hers. We are no longer friends. They are still together. It’s in his best interest too. Maybe in time the universe will work everything out for them and they will stay together. I hope so. She was and still remains today a very dear friend. One that I love dearly and want nothing more for her than to be happy. If that means her and I are no longer friends in order for that to happen, then I’m happy for that. I have learnt that just because people ask me questions like this doesn’t mean they “REALLY” want to hear my answers! Yes, I learned a very valuable lesson by losing this special person as a friend. But, did they?
Sometimes, people really do need to work through their own lessons in life and it is not my place to interfere in their Soul’s journey.
I once did a Reading for a lady where she came to me, only wanting to discuss this question.
This lady wanted to know everything including details like “what colour hair does he have? What is his name? What colour eyes does he have? Is he overweight or fit? Is he rich or poor? Does he have a car? A caravan? Does he own his own home? Does he have kids? Does he have a dog because I don’t like dogs? Does he have a job? What does he do? Does he swear? Does he smoke? Does he fish? Does he lie? Does he drink? I don’t like people who drink. Does he do drugs? I don’t like people who do drugs!”
Just like I will never tell people the sex of their new baby if they are pregnant, some people really need to live their lives, letting it unfold itself one day at a time in the perfect order!
Tell me about my children
I will usually ask you to give me the names and ages of your children and show me photos of them if you have them.
When I “Read” your children, I will be able to describe their personality traits to you. Their strengths and their weaknesses. This ensures that I have indeed connected to your child. I will look at their potential, possible career choices, future relationships and health by looking at the relative “season” in their life!
Should I leave my partner?
This is another question I hear a lot.
If you are going through a hard time with a partner and have half made up your mind to leave. Don’t shop around to get universal permission from a Psychic to leave. I, personally, will not give it to you. This is your decision and your lesson to learn only for whatever reason!
You need to work through all aspects so that regardless of what choice you make, you do so with a clean conscience so that you do not have to live with regret in the future.
You need to trust your own gut instinct.
You can however go and see a Psychic to be sure you will be ok after you leave or after you have made your decision to help you navigate your new “normal”.
Be aware that by the time these types of questions have prompted you to see me, you already know what you need to do.
Like I said, once the decision has been made, a whole new set of circumstances will have been given to you to help you prepare your new kid of normal. This is where I can help.
If you come to see me after you have made your decision, I will start the Reading by describing the person you have just left, their personality and characteristics. This accuracy connects me to you and if I know “this information” about you/them, then there’s a good chance the advice I give to you will be accurate also. As I get information visually, I am able to help you interpret the information.
What is the difference between a face to face, phone or email Reading ?
For me, None!
My website store brings people to me for email readings from around Australia. They are always astounded as to the accuracy of my information and guidance. I ask people to give me 5 questions and feel free to send photos of people they would like me to Read too.
You do not need to be with me physically in order for me to be able to read you.
Remember what I said before about watching your “TV Series”. Well, that’s how it works. I know it’s hard to understand. It’s also hard to explain. But remember, that I’m using up to 35% of my brain and you are trying to understand it with your 10% capability.
I focus on “You” no matter where you are.
Remember what I said earlier about the fact that we are all energy. I reach into that energy and can sense everything about You! What you think, feel, what worries you or what should worry you!
I will tell you what I see for you at the point in time that you’ve come to seem. However, should you decide to continue your own way, you can expect a whole lot of different circumstances.
We all have free will.
Let’s say you live in Adelaide and want to drive to Sydney.
You can do this in several ways. Regardless of the route you take, Sydney is still your destination.
Your life is the same and you have free will to navigate it as you like.
Yes, I can see the destination and I can give you short cuts and save you time getting there but it’s still your choice.
Do you tell me what I want to hear?
I have “no idea” what you want to hear once you’ve given me your question. So, I guess the answer is “No” to this question.
My psychic information is instant so please ask questions that require yes/no answers only. I will do the rest. I DO NOT tell you what you want to hear. I tell you what I get. So be prepared.
As a Professional Internationally Accredited Psychic Medium, I Read with compassion, truth and sincerity.
You have questions, I have answers. That’s why you come for a Reading in the first place.
Marion, I’ve heard you call yourself the “Psychic Postie” what do you mean by this?
Once you come and sit with me or a session, I deliver your mail as I am the “Psychic Postie”.
The postman or internet service normally delivers a variety of mail to your letterbox/inbox. Mail like:
- A general “newsy” letter from a friend.
- Junk mail or Spam
- A bill “this can symbolise the hard stuff in life”
- A love, rose perfumed card simply saying “Happy Birthday” from Grandma and may contain $5
- A local newspaper will lots of information particular to you
- A letter that might be marked as “Private and Confidential”. This is mail I would not open, it is for your eyes only.
I deliver the same kind of mail although in symbolic format.
Is it about the Predictions or the Journey?
Be wary of any Psychic who only gives you vague predictions. Something like “I see you at the age of 4 in the bath with floating toys”, is what I would call a vague prediction. Don’t laugh! I’ve seen this information given many times on stage!
A good Psychic should also work on you at any Spiritual level you present at.
As a Psychic of over 4312+ Readings, I have seen EVERYTHING! Believe me! And be assured I NEVER judge! Why would It? I find each one of you incredibly fascinating! Your lives, the lessons you chose to learn when you came into this life. Each one of you are unique and together we work through your life.
Many years ago, I used to work on psychic phone lines. To me, doing this kind of work is like pumping petrol at a petrol station! I hated it! Here’s a couple of examples I encountered and yes, I can work at this information/prediction level, but I prefer not to.
A gentleman rang me for a reading. Here’s how it went;
“Hi, I am currently going out with 3 women! I rang another Psychic to ask her which one I should propose to. She told me, I should propose to the third one!”
Here’s my response “What else did she say to you?”
“Nothing, we moved onto my next question.”
To which I replied “Yes, I agree you should propose to the third one, however, why are there 3 women and what’s to stop there being 4, 5 or 6! Tell me what happened to you with Jane in 2007?”.
I didn’t receive a reply the gentleman just moved onto his next question. His energy had changed!
He rang me back 3 months later. Here’s what he had to say “Marion, I want to thank you for your Reading a few months ago. I have proposed to the third lady and yes she has accepted. I’ve also dealt with my break up with Jane in 2007 and if I hadn’t, you were right, there would have been 4, 5 and even girlfriend number 6”.
To me, a psychic reading is more than just the answer to the question!
I had a lady ring me quite a few times, always when her boyfriend was late.
Here’s how her conversation went!
“Hi, my boyfriend is 4 hours late, is he still coming?”
“No, he’s home with his wife!”
She hung up.
The next conversation:
“Hi, my boyfriend is 2 hours late, is he still coming?”
“No he’s home with his wife!”
Another lady rang me one day and asked me this question:
“Hi, I’ve got a job interview to go to this afternoon, should I wear my red lucky knickers or my blue lucky knickers?”
(I mean…seriously!)
I replied:
“Don’t wear any knickers that’s the only way you’ll get lucky because you won’t be getting the job!”
She too hung up.
I stopped working for the phone lines after that very call.
Psychic Info v Spiritual = Both
I’ve only ever been to 3 Psychic Readings in my life. 2 were in Salem in the USA on Halloween and both of those Readers used tarot cards. The other one was a local lady and I just had to walk away from it half way through. It was total rubbish.
It was then that I decided to never compare myself to someone ever again.
People know how I work and somehow, I’ve now given over 4300 Readings, mostly by word of mouth.
I know that much.
I’ve also seen various Psychics on stage. Some are obviously gifted and some are obviously not!
I do believe that everyone in the Metaphysical field of work, have something unique to offer. I also believe that all of us have a job to do and that is open the hearts of Souls so that we can introduce the Spiritual world to them regardless of the level.
We all have a place to teach and a place to learn.
It has taken me years and years to hear, listen and interpret the messages of my Team.
Some Psychics seem to just blurt out a whole lot of information, whilst some of it seems very general, some you can relate to and other stuff you simply hope will happen as it sounds good.
Just remember…if it sounds too good……
To me, I support psychic information with spiritual awareness and guidance in order for you to get the best out of your session with me. I also like to give you names of significant people in your life whether alive or already passed as that is tangible information you do believe and if that is real for you then it will give you faith to believe the other information I offer you too.
What is a Psychic Reading?
I use my connection to Spirit and intuition to interpret their messages of guidance, clarification, direction and information. I can look at your answers out there in the universe in your Book of Life. I am unbiased in what I see and often the messages provide clarity and direction. At times, I can lift the veil to make contact with family members passed who want to reconnect with you. It is an energy I specialise in and have worked with and developed an understanding to the interpretation of messages. So I can tell you clearly ~ your message!
What does “Psychic” mean?
Anyone who studies the mind is involved in “Psychology” or “Psychiatry”.
“Psy” means “mind”.
Normal people use 10% of their minds.
Psychics use up to 35%.
This gives me access to Universal Consciousness and a whole lot more information about you, more than you could ever see or know. Way more than the internet!!
Being psychically sensitive means I can achieve and work in a level of higher consciousness for your highest good.
How long is a Psychic Reading?
I don’t really time my face to face Readings but will ask you to allow at least 90 minutes. Some have gone for 4 hours and numerous pots of tea or cups of coffee and bikkies.
What is my role as a Client and how can I know if my Reader can do as they say?
Word of mouth is always the best referral. Choose a Psychic who has gone through the International Accreditation procedure. These Psychics work to high ethical standards and are accountable for their work. They work as Professionals.
I have been through this process and successfully achieved my accreditation at the beginning of 2017.
You might like to ask for examples and testimonials.
You also need to consider that sometimes this stuff just doesn’t work!
If you are coming for a Reading as a skeptic, it would be beneficial to clear your mind of pre conceived ideas and scepticism that may hinder you from receiving the information in the spirit is being given.
A good Reader is one who believes they are able to provide you accurate advice, guidance and direction and predictions.
Whilst the information that comes through for you may not make sense at the time, it will over time.
Outcomes and Choices
At this point, you may again like to ask yourself why you want a psychic Reading.
Is it because you wanted advice from the Spiritual Realm because you know and trust it to be true or is it because you already know in yourself and want confirmation?
A Psychic Reading is simply a narrative of what the person can see for you in your life. A good Psychic will offer you choices and clarity around those choices and looking even further ahead as to where they see you evolving 2, 5 or 10 years from now.
Psychics can offer you short cuts to your end goals.
But it is still your choice as to which path you want to take ~ always!
How do I “hear” Spirit?
A few years ago, I received an email asking “Why should people pay you money to be a really good guesser?”
Good question! My Dad thought it was a very unfair question to ask and wanted me to defend myself.
This is what I did instead;
“Dear Madam ~ Thank you for your message that you chose to communicate to me using a piece of plastic called a keyboard a message that I will read on a piece of glass called a computer screen. Alternatively, you could have used a piece of plastic called a telephone to communicate to me a message that I would also receive on a piece of plastic called a telephone. However, do you actually know how each of these pieces of technology actually work because I don’t. Yet the age old method of direct communication by hearing Spirit, you doubt! I have given (at that time) over 3000 Readings using this direct method of communication and I am my own biggest skeptic, yet each Reading I do provides me with a little more proof and gives me a little more faith that it works. It’s not about the way I receive the message that’s important, it’s the message itself. Thank you”.
To which I received the reply “Thank you!”.
How does a Psychic Reading help my child with their behaviour issues?
I would like to refer you to my previous stories that I’ve written about Children and Teen”Angels”.
Why won’t a Psychic give me the winning lotto numbers
Because they’re likely keeping them for themselves! And that’s not even true! Money causes way more problems than you could imagine. We are not materialistic people. Yes, we have to live and pay bills and like to enjoy holidays and the good things in life, but we work for those! Nothing is free in this life for anyone. Even people who have lotto in their lives have spoken about their regrets in doings so!
Can I learn to be a Psychic?
I believe we are given what we need when we need it in order to grow spiritually. We are NOT given everything all at once. We are all given different gifts in different ways. This is because there are way too many lessons and spiritual values to learn. Our lessons are big enough now. Imagine what we wold have to go through were we to request to learn everything all at once. For one, our life would be over as soon as the lesson is learned. Know what I mean? So lessons are spread over a lifetime.
Psychics are really teachers.
Psychics have a huge understanding of the Spirit world and are able to tap into Universal consciousness.
Psychics are mostly in their last incarnations.
We all, eventually get to this level because as Teachers, there will always be students!
Testimonials and Feedback
I receive messages of thanks in a variety of ways several times a week. Messages confirming that information I gave in Readings that have eventuated.
You have no idea how good this makes me feel. Remember! I’m a human too and feedback is very important to me. Remember that I am my biggest skeptic and knowing information about strangers can be quite disconcerting.
I am currently collating testimonials and will be putting this on my website.
The Concept of Time in the Spirit World
Time is one of the hardest things to interpret in a Psychic Reading.
I like to refer to time by way of chapters in people’s “books of their lives” or a “scene” in their play called “Life”.
Sometimes I am able to predict very accurate down to the day!
Sometimes, I’m not. What I will do is work around “experiences”. So, for instance “this will happen first, then this will follow, then once that’s happened, this will happen!” Understand?
My Personal Qualities
My own significant and vast experience of all that life has offered me, good, bad or ugly has given me incredible insight, empathy, clarity, wisdom, patience, understanding and listening skills.
I don’t just “listen” to you – I “hear” you
I don’t just “sense” you – I “feel” you
I don’t just “know” you – I “understand” you
This life is my last incarnation and it’s INTENSE.
My life is rocketing towards completion and it’s vital that I learn all the lessons I can so that in my next role as a Guide, I will be very effective.
My life is not my own.
This is my Soul’s work.
This is all I do.
I love it.
I know I am blessed.
Should I try harder with my Mother~In~Law?
I believe some people come into our lives as students and some as teachers. Everyone comes into our lives for a season, reason or lifetime. We are all on different Spiritual levels and come into each other’s lives to either learn or teach. What is about this person that frustrates you? Maybe they are a mirror to you as to what you need to learn. Maybe the very qualities that frustrate you are actually your strengths. It may help for you to read my section relating to Spiritual Levels.
At what point do we reincarnate and still be contactable as the Souls we were when we were alive?
This is a really good question and one that I am currently working through. Despite everything I do know on a Spiritual level, I do not know the answer to this one. I have a lifetime left to live. Perhaps this will come to me in time?
Intuition (Our Higher Self) v Imagination
For me, psychic information comes to me on the right side of my head, whilst my “thinking” comes to me on my left hand side. People who know me, recognise this about me and know when I am “listening” to my team or just plain old “thinking”.
When someone asks me a question, I will generally get two answers. One dominant and one quiet. Your intuition, higher or psychic self is usually the quieter of the two. Generally when someone’s asks me a question, I will get an immediate answer. This is my psychic self answering the question. When I have to think about a question that becomes my mind offering an answer.
Our intuition is usually the “quieter” of the two “thoughts” that come through and a “thought” is the “louder” of the two. Here’s an explanation of how I learned the difference.
I had a lady come to me for a Reading. As soon as she sat down I was given two names of significance. Or so I thought. The first name was quite loud and was the name “Raymond”. The second name was very quiet and was “Gavin”. For some reason, I was rushing through the Reading. I think it was because I felt excited to have two contacts so early in the Reading. So I gave her the “louder” of the two “Raymond” but I didn’t give her the quieter one “Gavin”. I said to her “I would like to give you the name Raymond as a contact for you”. To which she replied “Oh, that’s a shame, I don’t know a Raymond but I was hoping for “Gavin” to come through”. I could not at that stage give her the name “Gavin” despite having already received it could I! So I didn’t. But I certainly learnt the lesson as to which a real message was and which was my imagination.
Are there such things as bad entities?
Yes! People who are ratbags while they are alive remain ratbags after they are dead too! They do NOT wake up holy just because they are dead! They are real however and given an opportunity may intrude in your head space! If this happens, you will know and your family will know.
I would like to introduce you to my son James’ story in my book Caught Between Two Worlds. I’ll let you read that for yourself. It is a true recount of a very horrible situation my family found ourselves in.
How can I prevent them from attaching themselves to me or my family?
The majority of us don’t need to worry about them. Because they’re not interested in people who are honest, loving and nice. If however, you live in your ego most of the time, or you are selfish, self-centred and judgement, unkind in nature, take drugs etc or are generally an indecent type of person, then you may be at risk or vulnerable.
If you ever feel that you have a bad energy in your sacred space. Don’t be scared. Talk to it like you would if they were someone alive and in a “bad space”. Give it friendship and love. Call Archangel Michael. It is Archangel Michaels’ main role as a the “Security Guard” of the universe to escort these types “home”.
Please ~ If you have ANY questions at all that you would like me to add to this Post, please do not hesitate to ask them. Chances are we can both learn from your question!
Disclaimer: Whilst I am a naturally gifted Psychic Medium, I cannot guarantee any connection with Loved ones passed over. I do offer guidance, direction, clarification, information and confirmation on a psychic/Spiritual level at all Readings. I will not tell you what you want to hear. I will give you any message I get, after all, the messages do not belong to me! They are yours! If I do not get any messages at all, I will know within the first 5 or 10 minutes of the Reading. Readings are usually very higgeldy piggeldy however I will always give you notes of what I get so don’t worry about trying to take it all in at the time. Most importantly, remember, that for me, each Reading is like a first Reading….. Expect the Unexpected…I do.
I supply coffee, tea, water and tissues for your tears and mine! Readings can be so profound that they shock me too and I will cry right along side of you. Spirit love that!
Blessings from me to you, Marion
Fantastic , thank you
I would like a reading. I have not read all of the above but certainly need some guidance in my life at present.