Our musical partner – The Needle Drop Australia – suggests the following track as a background to reading this post:
Recently I made a life changing decision to leave South Australia and follow my dream of exploring the Central Coast of Australia. Easy, right? WRONG! In fact, it was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever consciously had to make. I have written this story with all of you in mind. I hope to give you confidence in the fact that the Universe does deliver when you ask for signs. These signs are in your best interest and most days it’s almost instant.
Everything is now coming together beautifully for my upcoming trip and this is converting my nerves, fear and trepidation into downright excitement!
My Soul always knew what was best for me, but I have oft been caught between the security of life as I’ve known it and really trusting in something way bigger than myself – The Universe and my Team.
I know that I’m Psychic. Yet, I still have all the same lessons to learn, challenges and fears to face as you. More so than ever at the moment, as I am totally reliant upon myself. How scary is that? These last four years, and especially the last nine months, have really brought me to the depths of despair. I’ve had to hand everything over to a trust that my Soul knows way more than my mind and that the Universe has a much bigger plan for me. Bigger than my limited mind can rationally think of. I have learned so much. I continue to.
The tears are lessening now. Thank goodness, else I really wouldn’t have been able to see some incredible signs that have been presented to me over the past couple of months. Let me explain.
I’ve always trusted in signs to help me make the right call. Sometimes though, I have knowingly gone against my intuition, chosen the wrong decision and paid the price. As such, right now signs are the only thing I trust!
About two months ago, I was sitting at my desk designing a house to be built on a block of land I own. Suddenly, it felt as if my Mum and Dad had walked in the back door of my house and said to me, “Sell your block, buy a caravan and travel the NSW Coast like you’ve always wanted to.” As quickly as they came, they’d left.
Without hesitation I picked up the phone and placed my block of land on the market. I then looked up at the Heavens and said to my Team, “Ok, I’m listening. Please show me a sign. If you want me to stay, show me a job I should apply for. If you want me to go, introduce me to women that have travelled on their own around Australia towing a caravan, because I’ve never met one!”
Two hours later I received a phone call from a lady that asked if she could come and collect some things that she’d purchased at my Mum’s garage sale. She told me she would be there at 2pm. When she arrived, she was towing a trailer!
When she knocked on the door I asked this graceful 62 year old woman if she was alone and she said she was. I also asked her if she could reverse a trailer. Her comment went something like, “I’d like to think so. After all, I’ve just returned from touring Australia with my caravan on my own for two years!”
I was stunned. Signs really do seem to come exactly when you need them. And lately, I’ve noticed it’s much faster than ever before. I asked her if she had time for a cup of tea and, no surprises here, she of course did. I was then blessed to spend over two and a half hours with Trish, who told me all about her recent trip and gave me all the encouragement and confirmation that I needed to undertake my own trip.
The very next day I walked into our local health shop and was greeted by the ever beautiful, wise and friendly shop attendant. We’ll call her Em. Em began to tell me all about her four year travels around Australia on her own, in her own van! She had me in tears in no time.
I had asked for signs, why should I be surprised that they’d come? Here was another one standing right in front of me! Angels are real right? Em proved it to me once again. Actually, It’s not that I was surprised, it’s more that I was humbly touched at how the Universe knew exactly what I needed.
The very next day (Day 3), I was invited by my friend Maxine to come and paddle at her house on Encounter Lakes. Maxi (as I call her) had a friend down for the day. A lovely lady name Lynette, who had been travelling on her own since the year 2000! After a little chat, Maxi announced that the water was inviting us all in to paddle her kayaks. During our paddle, Lynette turned to me and literally said exactly this, “Marion, no more signs! Just go and do it!”
So, I could not deny these Signs.
I wasn’t being shown jobs to apply for and despite looking everywhere for a job, there were absolutely none for me to apply for anyway.
The next day I received an order through my website for a phone reading. When I rang the orderer, she had only one question for me, “Marion, I work as a truck driver in a mine in WA. I am single and would like to travel Australia on my own. Should I buy a caravan or a mobile home?”
That was that, then.
I share this with you to encourage you. I encourage you to realise that if you are going to ask for Signs in your life, you need be sure to then watch out for them. Mind you, I couldn’t have missed mine if I’d tried.
Mind you, the Universe wasn’t done with me. Just to make extra sure I’d got the point, it kept at it.
Soon after, I was in the supermarket having an incidental discussion with a lady who at one point in the conversation turned to me and said, “Take a leap of faith!”
Two days later, I was invited to see the movie Finding your Feet. If you have seen the movie you will remember that it was all about Lady Sandra Abbott who, after her sister’s funeral and selling up her sister’s house (much like I’ve had to recently do in my life with my parents home), she left her husband and literally jumped from one life to another. When asked what she was doing, Lady Sandra replied that she was taking a “leap of faith!”
I was receiving that ‘leap of faith’ message from everywhere. Friends, strangers, even films. All of these signs were culminating when whilst in Melbourne in April enjoying a coffee at an outdoor table in the sun, I flicked over the newspaper to see a Fred Bassett comic strip. Fred Bassett was on one side of the river and his owner on the other beckoning to him and saying “just take a leap of faith!”
Suffice to say I don’t need anymore signs! I do, however, need to trust and that’s always been hard for me.
I’ve booked house-sitting stints right up until January. I have a nice balance of house sitting and time alone in my caravan. House sitting gives me the opportunity of really getting a feel for each town on the beautiful NSW Central Coast. Towns like: Grafton, Lake Cathie, Port Macquarie, Forster/Tuncurry and their Lake Districts. I will be able to explore each town and give Book Stores advance notice that I am coming to promote my book.
Well… I best get on with my packing.

My new home as of 4 July 2018
I’ll see you all soon!
To me, asking for a sign from the Universe is normal.
It is as normal as driving up to the speaker at a drive through and ordering what I want. Let’s say fries and a soft serve cone (I like to dip my fries in the icecream!) I then pay for my order at the next window and collect it at the last window. So, in a way, asking for signs is like placing an order with the Universe.
But there’s one difference.
A lot of people say to me, “Marion, I don’t believe in signs. I’ve been asking and asking but I never get any!” When I ask them if they look for the signs they’ve asked for, they invariably say they haven’t. To me, that would be like placing an order at the drive through, paying for it and then driving straight out without collecting the order at the last window!
In life, we place orders to the Universe. We pay the price in our lives. We then need to trust that our order will be available to us.
All we need to do is look for it and not drive off without it!

Taking my “Leap of Faith” Skydiving doesn’t scare me, life does!
Wonderful news that you paid attention to the signs and wow, there were many! Congratulations on this new chapter! I’ve had a phone reading with you and it was absolutely amazing xx
There you go Marion my questions about you answered have not read all but will.
Yes I am a great believer in the universe no wonder I have written so much to you.
Waiting for what the universe has in store for this old chook.
Bless be
I only wish I had met you before you leave/left after reading your book and await the new ones.With all those signs,absolutely the way to go and it will be fantastic take care toni
Wow, this is wonderfull, I haven’t consciously experienced the signs like you, but I have asked for signs and got what I asked for confirmation and it’s wonderfull, I bought the house I was meant to, my motor home arrived and just trust and have faith, your story was lovely hope you get to do more travelling and love to hear more of your stories, love my angels
What a beautiful story
I love this Marion. I struggle sometimes as you know but I have very strong faith and belief in my guides that they are always working for my highest good and sending me signs of this. Your signs were so in your face. Your guides are fantastic!
Hi Marina ~ Thank you for taking the time to comment. We all have signs….they become more obvious when we REALLY need them…and that’s exactly when we forget to look!