As I write this, it’s April 24th. That’s no ordinary day for me. In fact, It’s a very significant day. Here’s why.
On 24 April 1978, at the age of 16, my first boyfriend asked me to marry him. I said no.
On 24 April 1989, I met my husband.
On 24 April 2015, after a 27 year marriage, my husband and I sadly separated and I returned to live in Adelaide to care for my parents. They’ve both sadly passed away recently – quite close together.
On 24 April 2018, I bought my caravan and decided to embark on the massive exploration of NSW and QLD… alone!
One day during May 2018, I was out driving around inspecting storage units in which to store my furniture. I had checked out 3 units and didn’t feel happy with any of them. I was driving home feeling very despondent. Maybe I wasn’t meant to go on this trip after all.
Suddenly, and as if I had a passenger in the passenger seat, I was given instruction by my Opa (part of my Team) to, “Turn right, turn left, turn right, turn left STOP!! Look across the road!” I’ve learnt to totally trust the feeling when this stuff happens. And of course, what was facing me across the road? Brand new storage sheds! I was so excited. It had to be a sign!
I rang the number on the fence and enquired as to whether there were any free units. I was told that they were all occupied. Deflated, I turned the car around and headed home to continue my packing.

Less than an hour later my phone rang. I was greeted by the voice of a rep from the office I had just rung. “Hi Marion, a gentleman has just come in and handed in his keys to his storage unit and it’s now available if you would like it?” Gingerly I asked him, “What number is it?” You can probably guess his reply…
I took that as a sign that I was indeed meant to go on this journey and accepted the unit.
The day before I left Victor Harbor, whilst packing my caravan, my dear friend Maxine rang me to invite me to lunch at a local café. What table number were we allocated? 24.
After lunch, Maxine and I wandered down to the local pub and ordered a glass of champers each. As girls do! Again, we were given a table number 24.
Maxine and I discussed what name I should give my caravan. She suggested I get some of those letterbox number stickers and stick them on the door. The next day my caravan had 24 stuck on it in letterbox numbers.
24 is my go-to number. This number gives me complete faith I am on the right path in my life. I’ve attached the photos below of this journey. I hope it inspires you to find your very own special number and it’s very personal meaning for you!
FOOTNOTE: Today is 24 January 2020 – Ha! I only just realised! Again….24!
Since I wrote this story some time ago, the true meaning behind 24 being my most amazing go to number, yet more has been revealed to me by the Universe.
On 24 June 2019, I flew to Adelaide from where I was staying in NSW at the time to sign the paperwork for my new home to be built in Victor Harbor! Yes, the acceptance papers were signed on the 24th giving me the much needed comfort that I was indeed “meant to be” building my home.
Two days later when I flew back to Port Stephens, my seat number was 24A!
I am now living back in South Australia and my house build is under way! So exciting and obviously very “meant to be!”
In the first week of November, I received my final house plans and contract in the mail. The Council approval documents were dated 24 October 2019 and my Planning Approval documents were dated 28 October (which is my actual wedding day!). The tears were bitter sweet as I am building my home alone and that’s ok, because I KNOW I have the Universe on my side this time.
A couple of weeks ago, a good friend of mine returned a book to me that she had borrowed. She pulled out a Jetstar boarding pass with the seat number 24A from a flight I had taken to Perth years ago!!!
All I could say, with tears glistening in my eyes….”There’s that number again!”
24 is a number that I have always relied on to give me confidence when making any important decision.
I’d love to know what yours is!
If you have yours already, we’d all love to hear your story in the comments below!
Thank you from my heart to yours.
P.S – A friend posted this on my Facebook page after hearing this story:

In my books Marion you are number 1
So sorry it was not 24.
Love being connected to you.
You are spot on with your messages and I am knowing who to pass them on to.
Hi Peter ~ Thank you for your message. It was lovely to receive. I love that you “know” who to pass the messages onto! We need more people like you in our world ~ thru this Awakening, they are coming!!
Beautiful story Maz, reading this and seeing the 24th October reminded me of my experience. My soulmate late brother was born on the 24 October and died when he was 12. Many years later I fell pregnant with my 3rd child and being on my own I went to the doctor to confirm I was pregnant. She told me my baby was due on the 24 October 2000. My boy didn’t arrive when expected, but a week later. After 12 years of him being born I found my brothers friend who was with my brother the day he died and had moved to Oz in 2000 (I was in South Africa) and shortly after he asked me to marry him. After loads of paperwork and stress to immigrate, many calls to the South African home affairs department, I found out they’d lost my son’s original birth certificate during a building move. I was lying on my bed on the anniversary of my brothers birthday (24 October), meditating and praying that all would go well, when my brother appeared ever so briefly and said everything will be ok. A couple of weeks later I received a new birth certificate for my son, and was shocked to see the official date stamp on the certificate was the 24 October 2012. Just realised my husband’s birthday is also on 24 Feb.
Blessings for taking the time to message me. You may know how much I appreciate it. x
My number has been 27/227 since I was 12 (27 years ago! Wow just realized that haha). I have so so many photos of it popping up multiple times a day and stories about that number and how many times it’s led me on the right path or has given me confirmation when I needed it the most. 💛 🙏🏼
Blessings for taking the time to message me. You may know how much I appreciate it. x