I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have taken the time to send me your thoughts and feedback after your Psychic Reading. It is just so heartening for me to receive confirmation of information and messages I give you. I am blessed to have been able to Read for you all. I have so many more Testimonials to add to this valuable collection and I will all in good time. This is merely the beginning! I am truly blessed to have been able to sit with such beautiful Souls like You !
From my heart to yours ~ Marion Weatherburn
I asked Marion to come and sit with my Mum who wanted to commit suicide to be with my brother who had recently lost his life to heroin. Reluctantly initially, Marion came to sit with my Mum and because of her explaining what would have happened to her if she had taken her own life, I have my Mum today. Mum and I also had a fantastic message from our old neighbour Melba, whose name Marion knew. Marion saw Melba sitting on the edge of my brother’s bed throwing a tennis ball in the air repeatedly whilst my brother rested on the other side. On querying how Melba knew my Mum she laughingly replied…. “ I was her next door neighbour for many years. I never married and I never had or liked children (all the while throwing the tennis ball up in the air) and I never threw her kids tennis balls back over the fence when they landed there. I will now though as I am dead too like ———(name withheld) look after him until it’s her turn to take over. Names and description were truthfully verified by client who every time she saw me at the shops used to go out of her way to give me a hug and say a quiet “thank you” in my ear
M.E. & AME 2005
I spoke with Marion for a reading about some personal issues I had been going through. I was heading for a dark depression. With Marion’s authentic and gentle, compassionate nature we were able to identify the real issues and work through them on a psychic and spiritual level. My life has now done a 180 degree turn. I am working and socialising again and I am back to the person I was 5 years ago! Could I have done it without Marion? No! So….thank you Marion….you gave me EXACTLY what I needed!

Listen to my interview with Peter Goers on Adelaide’s ABC Radio. The Link is on the Home Page
Francine QLD 1996

Dymocks at The Broadway in Sydney were the first Dymocks store to accept Caught Between Two Worlds
14 April 2015
Dear Marion thank you so much for the reading and for coming here to me. It was certainly lovely meeting and chatting with you – I was left with a warm feeling after you had gone. I hear that you saw my son the very next morning – he was very impressed too and told me that you are a lovely lady. I do hope that we meet again.
Kindest regards, Barbara Rowe
15 November 2016
Dear Marion, How truly beautiful and so clever you are. The dedication, the accuracy with knowledge of names shown (as mentioned) and yes, how amazing to know “CHAS” Charles Patching really was able to heal by connecting, and I thank my late father for all his information given to me throughout the years. Of course as children (small) we cannot possibly fathom the extent of hurt pain and suffering our parents having gone through so much. I recall when I was 17 age working at QEH I went home after work so upset about a patient. (It was a severe burns victim beyond recognition) I found the “smell” hard to get away from my nostrils and the sight so sad how hard to forget!! My Mothers sister (Jessie May Elliot) Shephard married was ten years her senior and an Army sister at one stage. She had told my Mother to get some eucalyptus and place on a handkerchief and smell and leave upon my pillow to sleep. Mum later bought perfume (such a luxury then) to do same. Eventually the smell went away, although the sight so sad always was a memory. As I have now grown all these years I still recall that person, so I could imagine only how my Father felt having done what he had to do to find his friend “Chas” and friends. Beyond recognition!! Who would not be affected??
I am so proud to know you Marion, as your Higher self must truly amaze so so many. I am glad you made me feel better and stronger with “JW” and I am glad of the Triangle assistance too. Yes he is so dangerous in ways to break people down.
I sincerely wish you so much Love Happiness and true success with all your endeavours throughout life, and I hope Chas will remain close to us too. How Loyal True and Honest with all your spoken words. No one else knew only TRUSTED to me by my Father. TRUST HONESTY SINCERITY can be a true test of time within families, even though we all were taught under the same house roof, we of times go different directions and the paths devide us all. I remained all of the above to my family.Kindest and Ritchest blessings Marion Love June Rose (ps: we will always keep in touch I am sure.)
Your work is outstanding with MERIT presentation so beautiful. Thank you X

Shrapnel remnants from the ill fated Flight A9173 that crashed on 19 March 1943 at Yetna East of Geraldton, Western Australia with Sargeant Charles “Chas” Patching and his crew on board. Read full story on my website and in my book.
I spoke with Marion for a reading about going back to work and whether or not to put my son in day care. I was in two minds as he was so young and I was a single mum. Marion reassured me that this was in fact the right thing to do for both of us! I returned to work and have enjoyed several promotions over the years. I have my confidence back. However, what I also received was some very surprising information about a very special person that had passed many years ago. Marion was able to give me my friends’ name and full description of his features including how he died. I thought I had lost that dear friend of mine but thanks to Marion bringing him through for me, I have received great comfort and closure to many questions that were still burning for me and I now have him as my close friend and guide ~ again! Awesome Marion! Just Awesome!
Renee, WA 1997
I had a reading with Marion – a lovely spiritual lady – and found it to be an uplifting experience. Several departed loved ones came to visit during the session. I thoroughly recommend making an appointment.
December 10, 2015 ·
Hiya, hoping you can add this to your testimonials.
My reading today was amazing. Marion is very accurate and extremely sensitive and respectful. Marion knew specific names, relationships and past events. Her gift is special and very helpful. I got so much out of this reading and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Marion was quick to accommodate my reading and it was an absolute pleasure listening to all of her wisdom and messages. …

I’ve had so many very special encounters with dolphins! This is one of them!
April 1 ·
Hi peeps! A friend has asked me to share a testimony on Marion Weatherburn s Psychic like no other page in regards to her amazing work, healing and demon clearing. A friend took her teenage son (who we will call Sam for this post) to see Marion as she had nowhere else to turn. Sam seemed depressed lost and claustrophobic with life and refused mainstream help and therapy. However on his first therapy session with Marion made a instant connection. On Sams second visit to Marion it was established he had 3 demons attached. One being from Sams grandfather who was killed by a drunk teenage driver 2 years before Sam was born as well as 2 other lost random teenage spirits. Marion cleared these attached spirits and Sam is now finding his path in life with more clarity and direction and a purpose to live again. There is still work needed to be done but Sam is getting there following his path to where he feels he needs to be. I cannot highly recommended Marion enough, she knows her stuff and is truly a gifted, caring special lady and a new friend in my life xx

My Presentation at “The Blue Buddha” in Fremantle, Western Australia
March 14 ·2015
I’m an very sceptical person by nature and have put off having a reading for years. I spent 30 minutes with Marion today and I feel as if I have no weight left on my shoulders. Thank you so much for today Marion I can’t express in words how greatful I am for the gift you have given me. I will be booking another appointment soon.
February 14 ·2016
Thank you for my reading Marion , it was so nice to meet you I hope the benefit of for sight you gave me will allow me enjoy my family so much more … xx

My Book and I launch into Melbourne!
February 9 ·2016
Today I had my first ever reading and I have to say that I am very impressed by Marion. I don’t consider myself to be a skeptic so I definitely went into the reading with an open mind and an open heart. Marion came up with some names of people that have very specific roles and some major impacts in my life past, present and I believe will continue to do so in the future. Her wisdom, her gift and her beautiful soul is something that comes across into the reading. At the moment…
Thank you so much Marion! I have always wanted to have a reading but have never been brave enough. Thank you for putting my mind at ease and helping me to confirm that we are making the right decisions. I can’t express enough how great full I am to have you connect me with my Dad, I always wanted to know if he was with me and now I know how lucky I am to have such a special dad guiding me. If anyone is reading this and is contemplating contacting Marion I highly recommend that you do. Thank you so much, Sarah.

I LOVE Book signings ! Victor Harbor, South Australia
Thank you so much for my reading this morning, I was blown away how accurate you were! You have helped answer so many questions, and it’s incredible that most of those questions I didnt even have to ask. You had my personality and insights dead on without me having to say anything. Amazing Incredible reading that was just so so accurate and I have come away from this feeling more at ease and just again amazed. Thank you!

“Caught Between Two Worlds” now available on Kindle
Hi Marion
Just wanted to thank you for my reading on Wed I left your place & went straight to the hardware shop as I decided to redecorate Ayshas room for whilst she was away. She has been wanting me to do it for ages. I worked furiously but transformed it from a 4 year olds room to that of a young ladies room. Aysha came home today & to say she was ecstatic is a bit of an understatement! I cried lol.
I’m so grateful for your insight towards my relationship with my daughter. Onwrds & upwards from here.
Many thanks. Lynney

It was SO exciting to see my book on the Shelf at Dymocks in Glenelg, SA !
It was early October 2015 ,when i felt my life had hit rock bottom . Out of anxiety ,i called Marion at Fleurieu Wellness Centre . Marion offered me an appointment that same day .
This is the day, i will always remember . The psychometric reading and guidance that Marion gave me that day was simply amazing .
Following this reading ,i attended some meditation classes that Marion held. These meditations really helped .
A few weeks on ,i was being troubled by some unwanted entities disturbing my sleep . Again i phoned Marion ,and she offered to call past my house . On Marion;s visit ,she did a cleansing of these entities ,and i have had no problems since .
Further on,i was on holidays in Alice Springs ,when my life was turned upside down again . A text message to Marion was all it took for Marion to again guide me along the correct path .
Marion;s counselling ,guidance and care is second to none.
John Howard

Murni’s Warung in Ubud, Bali is the setting for a very special story that took place with the beautiful Murni! It’s a must read ! The story and photos are in my book
Hi Marion,
Thank you very much for yesterday, wow that was such a heavy session, I felt lighter after and do hope it didn’t weigh you down.
Kind Regards,
How lucky am I that I spoke with Marion a while ago? She saved my life with her precious Gift. That’s all I can say.
Jeff SA 2005

My International Psychics Association Certificate of Accreditation
Hi Marion
I loved my reading it gave me sense of relief and i was calm for first time in almost a year. I sat by the water and read your report and just sobbed. I took my time driving home and even stopped in Strathalbyn to get some herbs and flowers for my garden. Will attach pictures.
—— was almost in tears reading your report. I have to tell you tho im a Pisces not Aquarius. Either way what you described sounded just like me. I agree i need professional counselling asap maybe an anger management class. I get frustrated to easily and say nasty things i dont mean. I still believe the negative spirit is with me not as strong tho but its still here.
Leigh would like to meet you and get some reiki and guidance so we will hopefully meet again soon.
Sincere thank you for helping
Me believe in myself again
- October 2015 (by email)

My presentation at Lakes Entrance, Victoria

My presentation at Koroit in Victoria
The following testimonial was received in a card
5 January 2017
Dearest Marion,
Where do I start to thank you for all that you have done for us a family?
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Deb x

Just for a laugh!
The following testimonial was received in a card
10 January 2017
To Dear Ms Weatherburn
Hi, my name is Jaki. I recently borrowed your book from a friend. I started reading it today and am already half way through. It’s absolutely amazing and I “get” everything you talk about; I’ve always felt different too! The way you explain things, makes a lot of sense to me.
Yours thankfully, Jaki
The following testimonial was received in a card
6 January 2017
Dear Marion, “You really brightened my day”. I so wanted to say another huge “thank you” for my beautiful Reading and for the most wonderful time spent with you last Wednesday. I sincerely hope we meet again. With my warmest wishes, Gillian.

Flying close to Heaven with an Angel on my back!
19 December 2016 – Received as a phone message.
I will recommend your book to everyone. I couldn’t put it down. I even turned off the TV! Your book answered all my questions. Thank you.
Kate H.
Juanita B
Had my first Reading today. Marion was absolutely spot on. Definitely coming back.
12 January 2017
Loretta B
Wow! Absolutely wonderful experience and enlightened by the knowledge given to me. God Bless Marion for her love.
18 January 2017
WOW! How did you know that? You are freaking me out but it’s AWESOME! Thank you

I LOVE book signings!
24 January 2017
I’ve been searching for the right person to do my Reading. I bought your book and everything resonated with me deeply. Thank you so much for my Reading which brought me amazing comfort and closure. Your names were spot on and connected to me on a very necessary level. Thank you is not enough.
24 January 2017
Thank you for helping me with one of my students at school. I now completely understand and know exactly what I need to do. Without you I would not have known which way to turn and was already dredding my year! You are indeed gifted.

Book Launch at Psychic Expo in Adelaide, SA
8 December 2017
You didn’t tell me what I wanted to hear!
You told me what I NEEDED to hear!
Everything about my life with my family and children makes sense now!
So, glad you caught me in time!
How can I thank you?
9 December 2016
I’ve read lots and lots of Spiritual books in my life but only two books have ever hit me right in the heart where I could really understand everything. Your book is one of those two. I love the way you write and knowing that all your stories are true is simply amazing. No wonder your book is called Caught Between Two Worlds. You are amazing how you live in both worlds the way you do. Thank you for sharing your life with us through your book so we can all learn, even just one thing would be great.
18 January 2017
From Trish – Received by text
Hi Marion, I just wanted to thank you again for talking with me on Thursday. Things have come out and I feel had I not come to see you, my reaction to the situation would not have been as good as it is. I’m staying in the light. Thank you for all that you do. Love and light.
14 January 2017
Sherilyn ~ Received by text
Marion! You are dynamite! You don’t even know how AMAZING YOU ARE!
There is nothing plain about you! You are a Shining Star
Saturday 7 May 2016
Thank you so much for Thursday, I’ve felt a heavy feeling lift from me ? Maybe my friend sandy ? Maybe not needing to move to Tasmania ? Whatever it is its gone. Feel welcome to visit anytime id love to catch up. Its funny when you feel like you’ve known someone for ages when you meet. I seriously cant wait for your book to hear the rest of your story. When will this be ? Xx thanks again 😊

Dad made a very special effort to come to the launch of “Caught Between Two Worlds” despite being very sick at the time and with my Mum in Hospital x