The Soul knows more than the mind ~ Let yourself be free to fly!”

When people come to see me for a Reading, I always prepare a special morning or afternoon tea. I light candles and play beautiful background music. I welcome them as a friend. I ask them to leave their human self at the door as we will just be talking Soul to Soul.

I always like to find out where they sit in relation to their own Spiritual Journey. I ask them if they believe in Souls, or that we are here to learn lessons in life? I ask people to tell me about their own experiences when it comes to the paranormal. Have they ever seen a ghost? Have they had premonitions or knowing’s? Have they ever ignored their premonitions or knowing’s? Or trusted them? How did things work out for them? I ask them to tell me about their dreams and their beliefs around Guides and Angels.

Everyone has a story to tell and telling it raises the vibration and energy in the room, in preparation for their Reading.  I like to then tell people the following information about what my Team have taught me;

“like I am sitting on this chair holding this cup, I know that Souls are just as real and today, I will work with your Soul in the here and now. for you to benefit from in this lifetime”


We have all come into this lifetime to continue our learning at a higher level. During our lifetime as a human, we start our educational journey in kindergarten then move up through the primary school levels and onto high school. We may decide at this point that we would like to or need to learn more or we may decide that it’s time to take what we’ve learnt and apply it in our lives so that we can earn an income or perhaps teach people what we’ve come to learn.

Education takes many years. Many lessons. Many tests and a whole lot of patience and homework. Educating the Soul takes time. Lifetimes.

Whilst on a human level we all choose to learn different things in life academically, as Souls, all our lessons are esoteric, not academic. Our Souls know exactly what we need to learn in this life time. It delivers us into a family where by we can learn those lessons; or maybe teach the lessons.

Everyone comes into these lifetimes at different levels spiritually. Some of our Souls are learning lessons at kindergarten level whilst others are learning them at high school or university level. This explains too why we get frustrated with others around us. But when we look at the very things that frustrate us about others in our lives and then look internally to ourselves, we see that the very qualities that frustrate us are innate within us and therefore ours to teach, by example.

This is not about the ego saying I’m better than you are; it’s about our Soul knowing its journey. Some people live in their Souls 50 to 0% of the time. Other’s 90% of the time, others again 2% of the time. What does this mean? It means that we all live a percentage of the Spiritual Values I talk about in the Spiritual Alphabet.  If you connect to the majority of the Spiritual Values than you are indeed a very highly evolved Soul. If however, you feel that there’s a lot of Values that you still need to learn, than I identify you as being in your Soul less of the time.

Recognising our Spiritual level and those of others helps us to understand why we clash. This clash is what alerts us that we are in each other’s lives to either teach or learn from each other.

It’s frustrating for a university student to teach a kindergarten child about complicated subjects. But if the university student is smart, they recognise that they only need to teach the child the basics of the topic to begin with, not the whole thing. How to tie up shoelaces leads to an understanding of physics. ABC’s lead to an understanding of complicated grammar. To teach at the level required by the person’s Soul is divine.

The wisdom carried by the Soul at university level, is to know that they are here to teach at the level required by the student. Not at the level already acquired by the teacher.

So, when next you clash with someone in your life, step out of your human shoes and slip on your Soul Slippers. Everything will then become clearer. Everyone is in your life for a reason, its best you find out what.